A daydream in the times of Corona – or – how a leader could use the „4 Disciplines of Execution“ in troubling times.
I would feel much better, if a leader like Angela Merkel were to say the following….
„Dear people of Germany, we are in a crisis but we will survive it and I want to tell you about our strategy and how we will execute it, all together…
First, we focus on our wildly important goal (WIG):
„We keep the mortality rate caused by Covid-19 in Germany below 2% until Dec 31, 2020“
Second, we all concentrate and act on 3 lead measures, which will lead us to the WIG:
a) Everybody in Germany keeps a physical distance to any person of at least 1,5 meters in >90% of all human Interactions until April 20th, 2020
b) We increase and maintain the testing rate in Germany of >10000 per day until Dec 31st, 2020
c) We increase the number of intensive care beds with ventilators from currenty 28.031 to 75.000 until July 1st, 2020
Third, we have created a scoreboard, so that everybody in this country knows, whether we are winning or losing

Fourth, we will hold us all accountable and meet Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for a WIG-Huddle at 8pm for 5 minutes at the beginning of the Tagesschau on the program ARD to check our progress and to enable us to make own commitments to reach our goal!
We can do this!“
As I said, I would feel much better…